This flowchart is divided into six columns and three rows against a white background. Each column represents a different personal identity which the resources and support options listed are based on, while each row represents a different category of resources and support options available. This includes resources and support options at the University, community, and national level, respectively.
From left to right, the first column is labeled “LGBTQ+ Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “The LGBTQ Center,” “MSC,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Cville Pride Community Network,” “LGBTQ+ Partner Abuse and Sexual Assault Helpline,” “PFLAG Blue Ridge,” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE),” “‘Trans in the South’ Guide,” and “Virginia Anti-Violence Project (VAVP).” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “The Anti-Violence Project (AVP),” “LGBT National Help Center,” and “FORGE.”
The second column is labeled “Survivors With a Disability” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “SDAC,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Disability Law Center of Virginia,” “Disability Resources United,” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” and “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE).” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS),” “National Disability Rights Network (NDRN),” and “The Deaf Hotline.”
The third column is labeled “Non-U.S. Citizen Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “MSC,” “MSS,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Ayuda,” “International Rescue Committee (IRC),” “Legal Aid Justice Center,” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE),” and “Sin Barreras.” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Alliance for Immigrant Survivors (AIS),” “ASISTA,” and “Immigrant Women Too.”
The fourth column is labeled “Male Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE),” and “Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Alliance.” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “A Guide for Male Survivors of Domestic Violence,” “The Family Place,” “MaleSurvivor,” “Mayo Clinic Staff’s Domestic Violence Safety Planning Guide for Male Survivors,” and “1in6.”
The fifth column is labeled “BIPOC Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “IFSC,” “MSC,” “OAAA,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Central Virginia Clinicians of Color Network (CVCCN),” “Legal Aid Justice Center,” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE),” and “Sister Circle.” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM),” “Hurdle Health,” “Inclusive Therapists,” “National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC),” “National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA),” “StrongHearts Native Helpline,” and “Women of Color Network (WOCN).”
The sixth column is labeled “Latina/Latino or Hispanic Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS” “Latinx Student Center,” “MSC,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Bienestar,” “La Cultura Cura,” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE),” and “Sin Barreras.” The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Esperanza United” and “Therapy for Latinx.”
The seventh column is labeled “Asian-American Survivors” in blue lettering. The first row under that heading says “University” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “CAPS,” “MSC,” “SS&ST,” “Title IX Office,” and “The Women’s Center.” The second row under that heading says “Community” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP),” “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA),” and “Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE).”The third row under that heading says “National” in blue lettering and lists the following resources in white lettering against an orange background: “National Organization of Asians and Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence (NAPIESV),” “Project Lotus,” and “South Asian Therapists.”