It is normal to be unsure of how to respond when you learn that someone you care about has been accused of Sexual Misconduct. You may feel confused, betrayed, or even saddened by their alleged behavior. It is important to remember that, most of the time, the Respondent will not know that the report is coming; it often seems to come out of nowhere and can be startling. The investigation process, which you can find more information on in the CavCare Investigation FAQs page, is long and can be difficult for all involved. These suggestions for things you can say and do will allow you to support both them and yourself through this time.
This section is intended for those helping someone else who is accused, but if you are a Respondent yourself, there are many resources available to you during this time. Once you have been accused, federal offices state that you are owed the same supportive measures that are provided to Complainants. These resources, including CAPS, Student Health, and the Student Safety and Support Team, can be found in the CavCare Support for Students section as well as in the CavCare FAQ section on supportive measures. Remember, the Title IX Office is a neutral entity and your rights will be protected in the same way that the Complainant’s rights will be protected.
Ask what they need from you; let them be the one to decide how involved they want you to be.
“I appreciate that you felt comfortable telling me this.” “Can I help you find resources?”
Educate yourself on the various resources available through the University and within Charlottesville. This website includes the CavCare Support for Students section and/or the CavCare Support for Employees section; provide these resources to the Respondent.
Listen actively without judgment; it is not your job to come to a conclusion about what happened, rather to be there as support.
Be honest with your limitations.
Talking and dealing with events like these can be traumatic, in order to best provide support you also need to ensure that you are also caring for yourself. Many of the resources available to those involved are available to you as well. This website includes the CavCare Support for Students section as well as the CavCare Support for Employees section.
Do not harass them or threaten others involved in the situation
While everyone feels loyal to their friends and loved ones, violence and retaliation against any party involved is prohibited by the University (via the UVA Sexual Misconduct Policy section on retaliation here and the UVA Retaliation Policy) and may result in disciplinary action against you. Be mindful of your words and actions, and if you are ever unsure of what constitutes Retaliation, please see the links above.
Don’t come to a conclusion about what happened and who, if anyone, is at fault in the situation.
This is not your job, the University has skilled teams who specialize in this sort of work, and they are the ones who will make the well-informed decision on the matter.
Don’t assume that helping the Respondent find resources means you approve of or condone their reported behavior.
If someone you know comes to you for help or support, you should never feel as though providing this to them will negatively impact your own life.