- No Contact Directives (NCDs)
If the person who harmed you is a UVA student, you can request a No Contact Directive (NCD).
NCDs are issued to avoid an ongoing hostile environment, enhance your safety, and prevent retaliation. A No Contact Directive is usually issued between two students, mutually directing them not to have contact with one another.
"Contact" includes, but is not limited to, in-person contact, phone calls, email, texts, and other forms of electronic communication, social media-based messages or posts, and third-party communication including communication through use of proxies.- Please note that NCDs only apply to behaviors on-Grounds and cannot prohibit "contact" off-Grounds.
If you are interested in an NCD, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
- Protective Orders
Additionally, you have the option of filing for a protective order (commonly referred to as a restraining order) through the civil court system. A protective order is a court order that prohibits a person from further contacting you under threat of legal penalties. On-Grounds, Ben Rexrode can assist you in filing for a protective order. Please be aware that obtaining a protective order may require you to report what you experienced to the police. Off-Grounds resources can assist you in filing as well.
Learn more about NCDs and protective orders on UVA's EOCR website.
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