Sexual Misconduct Interactive Resource Guide

For Students

No Contact Directives and Protective Orders

No Contact Directives (NCDs)

If the person who harmed you is a UVA student, you can request a No Contact Directive (NCD).

NCDs are issued to avoid an ongoing hostile environment, enhance your safety, and prevent retaliation. A No Contact Directive is usually issued between two students, mutually directing them not to have contact with one another.

"Contact" includes, but is not limited to, in-person contact, phone calls, email, texts, and other forms of electronic communication, social media-based messages or posts, and third-party communication including communication through use of proxies.
  • Please note that NCDs only apply to behaviors on-Grounds and cannot prohibit "contact" off-Grounds.
Generally, each NCD will remain in effect until the graduation or withdrawal of at least one of the parties. Failure to comply with an NCD can result in disciplinary action.


If you are interested in an NCD, contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Protective Orders

Additionally, you have the option of filing for a protective order (commonly referred to as a restraining order) through the civil court system. A protective order is a court order that prohibits a person from further contacting you under threat of legal penalties. On-Grounds, Ben Rexrode can assist you in filing for a protective order. Please be aware that obtaining a protective order may require you to report what you experienced to the police. Off-Grounds resources can assist you in filing as well. 

Learn more about NCDs and protective orders on UVA's EOCR website.

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