Title IX Resources Magnet/Mirror Cling (Plain Text)

This mirror cling/ magnet includes the title “We are here for you.” and then reads “If you or someone you know has experienced sexual hrassment or violence, UVA has resources to support you.”

The first section is titled “Confidential” and says “These resources will not share any information without your permission.” The first listed resource is “Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (434) 243-5150, Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.” Next is “Student Health and Wellness: (434) 924-5362, Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.” The third confidential resource is “The Women’s Center: (434) 982-2252, Open Monday-Wednesday from 8:30am-8pm and Thursday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm.” Fourth is “Family Violence and Sexual Assault Viriginia Hotline: (800) 838-8238 to call, (804) 793-9999 to text, Available 24/7.” The final resource listed under Confidential says “Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) Hotline: (434) 977-7273 (ask for UVA confidential advocate), Available 24/7.”

The second section is titled “Private” and describes that “These resources will keep your information private, but may share it with key staff members for assistance and support.” The first item in the list of resources says “Student Safety and Support Team (SS&ST): (434) 924-7133; odos@virginia.edu, Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.” Next is “Dean on Call: (434) 924-7133, Available Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm, but call UPD at (434) 924-7166 and ask for Dean on Call after hours.” The third item says “Title IX Coordinator: (434) 297-7988; titleixcoordinator@virginia.edu, Available Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm.” Fourth on the list of private resources is “University Police Department (UPD): (434) 924-7166; Contact Sergeant Ben Rexrode at br7u@virginia.edu, Available 24/7.” The final private resource is “Just Report It: Submit a report online at https://justreportit.virginia.edu/.”