Employee Resource Guide For TIX (Plain Text)

This guide is titled “Employee Resource Guide for Title IX,” and next to the title there is a simple image of a pencil and paper. 

The first section is called “What will the process look like?” and includes an answer that says: “The process is the same in an employee case as it is in a student case except a Respondent Employee may be placed on administrative leave during the pendency of the Grievance Process/. Additional restrictions may be placed on an employee if they are not placed on leave.” The image for this section is various circles with arrows to one another all around a gear; this represents the steps in the process.

Then there is a section called “Sanctions for Employees” with an image of a gavel. This section says “Termination of employment, suspension, demotion, removal of administrative appointment, transfer of position, progressive disciplinary action, informal or formal coaching, training/education, or employment modifications. Any sanction or combination of sanctions im[posed upon a Respondent will be documented in the Respondent’s personnel file.”

The third section is on Appeals Officers, and has an image of balanced scales. This section asks the question: “Who are the different Appeals Officers for different titles” and then answers it in a series of bullet points. They say: “Employees it is Executive Vice President, or their designee; Academic Faculty it is Executive Vice President Provost, or their designee; Staff member in the Academic Division it is Executive Vice President and Chief Operation Officer, or their designee; Staff member in the Medical Center is the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs or their designee.”

The final section is titled “Resolution Options and Retaliation” with an image of a phone and envelope. This section says “Unlike a student case, if an employee is a Respondent then an Informal Resolution is not offered. The full Formal Resolution will take place. With regard to retaliation, we encourage you to contact the Title IX Office if you believe you are experiencing retaliation. Employees may also contact their supervisor or Human Resources. Contact the title IX Office at: phone: (434) 297-7988 or email: titleixoffice@virginia.edu.” 

The bottom of the infographic reads and includes a link to “Employee Resources Appendix D.”