This flowchart is titled “I made a report. Now what?” The first box reads “Both the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) and the Title IX Office receive all reports that are made.” This box has an arrow to a box that says “ODOS reaches out to whoever made the report (usually the Complainant to:” and then has two more arrows pointing to two other boxes. The first of these boxes, a continuation of the one about ODOS, says “Offer support and provide information about UVA community services,” and the second, also a continuation, says, “Offer to meet to check in and talk about options for going forward.”
There is then a box saying “The Complainant can choose to:” and this also has two options. The first option is to “Respond to the initial outreach and/or accept the invitation to meet,” with the next arrow showing that the step following this is “The Complainant can hear more about sup[portive measures and how they are doing.” Alternatively, the Complainant also has the other option to “Decline to respond or decline to meet” with ODOS. This leads to the step of “ODOS will follow up once more. The Complainant can always change their mind about meeting or responding.” Both this box, as well as the box about the Complainant hearing more about supportive measures, point to a final box in this section saying “Once the initial assessment is made, the Title IX Coordinator sends all known info to the evaluation panel.”
The next section begins by saying “The evaluation panel is made up of: the Title IX Coordinator, a representative from the University Police Department (UPD), a representative from the Division of Student Affairs” Below this list there is a note that “Sometimes, the panel may choose to include a representative from Human Resources or the Office of the Provost.”
The next section begins “The evaluation panel then conducts a threat assessment.” The first step under this heading is “The evaluation panel conducts a threat assessment, where they evaluate all known information to determine how to move forward. The panel looks at risk factors such as: the safety and wellbeing of the Complainant, whether physical violence was used/present, whether the incident was recurring or followed a pattern, whether the Complainant was of sound mind, any other aggravating circumstances.” Below this list of behaviors is a box that says “Note: While there’s a UPD representative on the evaluation panel, law enforcement is only notified of incidents where there is a ‘significant and articulable’ threat.”
Then, there is a box that says “Once the evaluation panel meets they advise the Title IX Coordinator on how to proceed, which can include options such as:” and then has two arrows pointing to the two options. The first is “Filing a Formal Complaint” and the second is “Not filing a Formal Complaint”
Filing a Formal Complaint points to a box that says “The Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the Complainant, offering to meet to discuss options for resolution, including a formal Hearing.” This box then points to another step that describes how “The Complainant can choose to: explore options and move forward with a resolution; meet to explore options, but ultimately decide not to move forward with a resolution; decline to meet to explore or choose a resolution; not respond to any outreach from the Title IX Coordinator.” Alternatively, if the Complainant follows the other path ahd chooses not to file a Formal Complaint, they are pointed to a box that reads “If the Complainant is able to access additional information about an incident, they can always choose to make another report”
At the bottom of the infographic is a note saying “ODOS, the Title IX Office, and everyone involved in reporting tries to honor the requests of the Complainant whenever possible. The wellbeing and safety of the Complainant is the top priority!"