Get a Forensic Exam

If you have experienced sexual violence, you may choose to have a sexual assault forensic exam (sometimes called a "rape kit") preformed. This exam, which is performed at no cost to you, can allow you to preserve potential DNA evidence as well as provide you with important medical care from trained professionals. Remember, even if you choose to have an exam performed, you may accept or decline any and all parts of an exam or suggested treatment.

A forensic medical examination may include evidence collection up to 120 hours (5 days) after a sexual assault. If it is more than 5 days since the assault, there are still services available to you.


If someone believes they were drugged, but were not assaulted and/or do not want or need medical attention, local pharmacies carry over-the-counter drug tests for $15-30. The SARA hotline, information here, will provide this information and follow-up services.

UVA Hospital/ Emergency Department

The UVA Hospital is available to everyone and is able to provide sexual assault forensic exams at no cost.


Student Health and Wellness Center

The Student Health and Wellness is available to students and is able to provide sexual assault forensic exams at no cost.